Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happy #3 Review Be honest, you all saw that coming, right?

The twist at the end of Happy #3 isn't much of a twist. About halfway through the issue, you should be able to see it coming a mile away. Fortunately, the strengths of this book aren't gimmicky twists and turns. Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson instead keep the focus on Nick and his slow realization that redemption is something worth fighting for. Maybe. We'll have to see in the final issue.

As far as Morrsion books go, Happy is one of the more straight forward. It has layers, sure, but it doesn't require a massive knowledge in superhero continuity to be enjoyed. It doesn't make you feel like you are losing your grasp on reality (looking at you, Seaguy). It's about an ugly world and the strength of innocence and belief. It's solid stuff, even if it's a bit over the top at times. Morrison delivers, as usual.

The best thing about Happy is Darick Robertson. His dirty, detailed art gives the world a sick and twisted feel. Happy the horse sticks out like a sore thumb against a backdrop of blood, vomit and lust. We know Robertson can draw this kind of stuff better than anybody, but he's bringing his A game here. This series has looked fantastic and this issue is no slouch either. One of the best moments comes when you get to see a younger version of Nick through a series of flashbacks. It's amazing to watch him transform from a bright-eyed young man into a fat, miserable drunk.

I'll talk! In third grade, Ben cheated on his history exam. In fourth grade, Ben stole his uncle Max's toupee and he glued it on his face when he was Moses in his Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, he knocked his sister Edie down the stairs and he blamed it on the dog. Follow Benjamin on Twitter @616Earth, or find him on IGN.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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