Monday, December 17, 2012

LG IM Kick Off the Inter-Group Week with a 2-0 Series Against MVP Blue

LG IM vs. MVP Blue

In week four of the OGN Winter Season, we have inter-group matches where a team from group A will face a team of equal standing in group B. The first match of the week is LG IM vs. MVP Blue. In this series, LG IM completely out classed MVP Blue, proving they are still contenders to become the Winter Season Champions.

Game 1


Bans: Diana, Olaf, Lulu


  • Vladimir - KangQui (top)
  • Amumu - NoFe (jungle)
  • Karthus - SunChip (mid)
  • Draven - Hermes (adc)
  • Leona - Me5 (support)


Bans: Lee Sin, Orianna, Rengar


  • Irelia - Lilac (top)
  • Cho'Gath - Ring (jungle)
  • Anivia - Mid King (mid)
  • Ezreal - Paragon (adc)
  • Zyra - Lasha (support)

First blood occurred at around 3 minutes into the game when an unsuspecting KangQui wandered too close to the river bush. From here, both teams battled it out for control over the game. But some well placed ganks seemed to give LG IM more control. MVP tired their hand at retaliation, but, while they were able to trade kills, LG always got a better trade. This advantage made it easier to pressure lanes and take towers as MVP scrambled to catch up. Unfortunately for MVP, LG would establish their dominance in a team fight in mid lane when Mid King successfully caught Sunchip, forcing the fight. The ensuing team fight resulted in a four for one team fight and a baron for LG IM, further decreasing MVP's chances of a comeback. With such a huge lead, LG IM picked up the aggression, tower diving and crushing MVP once again, taking an inhibitor. After, LG bided their time to maintain their lane pressure and map control as they geared up for the final push. MVP prepared their last stand in the mid lane, but unfortunately, LG managed to split MVP, making them easy pickings, giving LG the ace, and the surrender immediately after.

Game 2


Bans: Olaf, Rengar, Diana


  • Karthus - SunChip (mid)
  • Nocturne - NoFe (jungle)
  • Blitzcrank - Me5 (support)
  • Corki - Hermes (adc)
  • Malphite - KangQui (top)


Bans: Orianna, Vladimir, Cho'Gath


  • Lee Sin - Ring (jungle)
  • Ezreal - Paragon (adc)
  • Zyra - Lasha (support)
  • Twisted Fate - Mid King (mid)
  • Shen - Lilac (top)

Game two immediately started looking grim for MVP. Slight miscommunication from MVP and good positioning from LG IM allowed LG to take a quick first blood as MVP tried to steal blue. The game continued in a similar fashion to game one, with LG IM taking the upper hand throughout the game. LG IM, with their lead, became slightly over zealous which MVP were able to take advantage of to a certain extent. But it was not enough to close the gap between the two teams. As the game continued, LG IM continued to increase their lead by taking towers and controlling objectives. Despite the similar kill scores, LG IM was clearly in the lead. At 22 minutes, LG moved for baron. MVP was late to intercept as they did not have vision, allowing LG the easy baron. Now seemingly unstoppable, LG continued to bully their way across the map, taking towers with ease. From here on, LG refused to lose a team fight as they came closer and closer to ending the game. Finally, a desperate initiation ended disastrously for MVP, giving LG IM the 2-0 series.

Match Breakdown

MVP got out played at every turn. In both games, LG IM dominated the entire match, not giving MVP any room to breath. In Game two, we saw LG IM get a little arrogant, giving up unnecessary kills, but once they regained focus, they were unstoppable. This series was especially brutal for KangQui as Ring, comboed with Lilac, completely shut KangQui down, making him almost useless in team fights. Game two was a little less brutal as he managed to prevent giving up extra gold a few times, but MVP as a team fell too far behind LG IM for that to mean anything. Overall, LG IM simply played extremely solid games didn't allow MVP any chance for a comeback.


Ring is the MVP of both games. He did a great job of helping Lilac dominate KangQui in both games. After helping top, his contributions in team fights were also great. Peeling for his carries, catching enemies, and making plays. Especially in game two, his Lee Sin play is some of the most amazing I've ever seen.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com

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